Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

That's not my name!

I don't know why, but Mango is the worst nickname picker in the world, bless him.

 He means well, but some of his nicknames for me have just been weird. One of them,was 'Feigel', the Yiddish for bird.

 I am neither Jewish, nor birdlike and each time he called me that, all I thought about was how the only bird that looked like me was yellow, had big feet and wasn't called Tweety. But this was not as bad as the period where he kept calling me 'Giuseppe'. I hated that period and now I hate that name.

Anyway, today while changing Baby Mango, he suddenly asks: "What colour would you say he was, caramel?"

"Yes, I guess you could say that," I replied.

"You're a little caramel licker," he said to Baby Mango, referring to the fact that he was licking his shirt. I paused and thought about saying nothing. Mango's  previous offering was 'Tongue boy' based on BM's 5-week-old habit of sticking his tongue out.

"Why do all your nicknames for him sound a bit porny?" 

Apparently me pointing these things out says more about my one-track mind than it does his lack of skill.

Ah, well.