Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday 15 November 2010

Who am I to disagree?

I had this dream - vivid, as all pregnancy dreams are - in which my baby talked.

It was small, pink and talked. It was able to say "Mum I want some breast milk". It freaked me out even in the dream but I knew that I had to feed him. So I offered my breast expecting somehow to get bitten. I'm not sure why.

And then there was everyone else in the dream. They all wanted my baby. I spent the whole time shielding the baby from harm, trying to hide it from bad people who wanted him because he could talk.

And then I was awake, and I knew what the baby was going to be called all of a sudden. I knew its name, surely as if it had whispered it. And maybe it did whisper it.

So, who am I to disagree?

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