Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, 14 March 2011

Cuddles, African style.

Mango is back at work tonight.

I'd like to think that Baby Mango knows this, so he's started to get fussy the more night draws to a close. In the last hour, he's thrown up his meal and refused to settle beside his father as normal. He's only settled when I've picked him up (Ah, he really is his mother's son. It's like he's putting some distance between himself and his dad so that it doesn't hurt so much when daddy isn't around as much as he used to be!).

It's getting harder to lug him around, so I improvised this sling from a piece of cloth that his Grand Maman brought him from Nigeria. It's really a variation of how women in Nigeria carry children on their backs, but this time I did it at the front. He slept off before I had even tied the first knot!

I was going to buy a sling, but I suppose that takes care of that.

Besides, the boy is a bush boy who won't sleep in a cot. How am I sure that he would enjoy being in an Oyibo-style carrier?

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