Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, 8 October 2010

It's alive!

Well, I've always known that but Mango finally felt the baby move yesterday. It was a blessing to watch. His eyes went so wide...

"Oh my God. I felt it. I felt it!"

"Yes baby," I said, trying not to sound like it was a big deal. It was. The little thing has been moving since week 14 but it only just started kicking early this week. Mango had been getting sadder and sadder at not being able to feel anything.

"Oh my God, Oh my God, Oh my God...." Bless his mango-headed self.

I was touched. Especially considering that I had just been very mean to him earlier. I interrupted him watching one of his favourite shows and asked him to lug a heavy nursing chair outside.

"Come let me kiss you in compensation now."

"No, let me just do this first."

"Baby now," I was feeling guilty. "How long will it ..."

"No! I have to do this first. The sooner I get it done the sooner I can come back and relax." He walked out.

"Fine! But you will pay for that!" And he did.

"The baby is moving," I said a while later, "Come and feel it." I breathed out in short , sharp bursts causing the cushion on my tummy to bob up and down.

"Is it doing that?!" He almost gave himself an injury trying to reach me.

"No," I started laughing.

"That's not fair. That was really, really mean." He looked crushed. I felt even worse.

So I guess it's lucky that in the end he did feel it. A crushed Mango is ....well, a smoothie or a glass of juice to be honest. But you know what I mean.

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