Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday 28 October 2010

My heart is going to burst

I worry too much about this baby.

I worry that things might go wrong all the time, or that we won't be able to bond, that I will feel nothing when he arrives, or that me not being able to see his features clearly in my mind's eye means I am a bad mother.

I worry about feeding him the right things when he is of age, of using the right soaps to bathe his skin, I worry about the friends he will have and what languages he will learn. But I suppose I worry because I care.

I love this baby. I cannot wait to meet him, to see what he acts like, to find out what he wants to be called. I want to kiss his face and hold his hands and watch him recognise me for the first time or turn towards my voice.

So what if I don't have a belly button any more? They are overrated in adults anyway.

I'll be 6 months on Sunday and by the end of next week, I'll be in third trimester.


Now where are those aunties bearing gifts eh?

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